Media, Corporate Communications & Public affairs

Our Media, Corporate Communications & Public Affairs professionals influence, create and share content about our work to shape national and international debates, to help make a lasting difference for children across the world.

Our success as an organisation depends on our ability to communicate. This could be communicating our work in the press or on TV; communicating with the public through campaigning; or even communicating with senior policy and decision-makers in government including civil servants, MPs and Cabinet Ministers.

Our Media, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs professionals use their communication skills to influence public policy and legislation.

Campaigning for a cause is at the heart of the charity sector and is one of the key ways for us to achieve social change. Our Campaigns and Organising colleagues use their skills to engage the public support to use their voice and power to influence decision makers and make a difference for children.

Example job types include:

  • Corporate Communications
  • Government Affairs
  • Media
  • News
  • Public Affairs
  • Strategic Communications

Current Media, Corporate Communications & Public affairs Vacancies